Plans to Implement and Expand Wake Bus, Transit Opportunities
Share your input by the March 22, 2023 deadline for public comments
We need your input on bus and other transit system improvements planned through 2030! Community members, stakeholders, and transit partners can help guide the work plan of Wake Transit by participating in a review and public comment period, February 20 – March 22. More information and a short community survey are available online at:
Two transit plans are open for public comment: 1) The Draft FY 2024 Wake Transit Work Plan; and, 2) The Recommended FY 2025-2030 Wake Bus Plan. Together, the Draft Work Plan and Wake Bus Plan are improving transit connections and expanding opportunities, while also helping blend the community’s collective voice into the process.
Wake Bus Plan
The Wake Bus Plan presents the proposed specific transit service improvements from FY 2025-2030. The feedback collected during this phase will influence the final Wake Bus Plan. The process to update the Wake Bus Plan occurs every four years. It must identify, define, and prioritize transit investments in alignment with funding available through the Wake Transit Program and delivered through its annual Work Plan, which is the budget. The Wake Bus Plan is a collaborative effort developed with transit operators, stakeholders, and members of the community.
Core elements of the plan include a fiscally constrained, year-by-year, implementation plan for transit service expansion and related capital projects. In addition, a Short Range Transit Plan proposal is recommended for GoTriangle. Finally, the investments and schedule for recommendations are key resources used to guide the annual review and development of the multi-year investment strategies found in the Draft Work Plan.
Draft Work Plan
A Draft Work Plan is developed for each upcoming fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30 of the next calendar year. The Draft Work Plan identifies service investments and capital projects to be funded, which are largely based on the recommendations included in the Wake Bus Plan. A total of $242.8 million is budgeted in the Draft FY 2024 Wake Transit Work Plan. Of that total, $39 million is allocated to the operating budget and $203.8 million to the capital budget. A more detailed summary of projected FY 2024 revenues and proposed expenditures is available at:
Wake Transit Program Overview
The goal of the Wake Transit Program is to improve and expand Wake County’s transit network. The vision for how that goal will be achieved is through continued investment in new and existing transit services and facilities that increase our ability to achieve the Four Big Moves:
- To Connect the Region
- To Connect All Wake County Communities
- To Create Frequent and Reliable Urban Mobility
- To Enhance Access to Transit
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Transit riders, stakeholders, and community members are invited to review both plans and provide input on the proposals for transit services and planning in Wake County and its municipalities. Input from community members and other Wake Transit stakeholders is vital to this process. Comments and survey results will be used to finalize the extended set of recommendations presented for adoption later this spring for the FY 2024 Wake Transit Work Plan, and later this summer for the FY 2025-30 Wake Bus Plan. There are several ways to provide comments:
The GoForward Website:
U.S. Mail: GoTriangle, ATTN: Annual Work Plan & Wake Bus Plan, 4600 Emperor Blvd., Suite 100, Durham, NC 27703
Text FY24 to 73224 (charges may apply)
Call 855-925-2801 (toll-free) and enter code 4685 to leave a voicemail
Call 919-485-RIDE (7433)