What is Orange Transit?
In November 2012, Orange County voters approved a transit-dedicated half-cent sales tax investment to expand and better connect the public transit network in Orange County and throughout the Triangle region.
Transit Improvements in Orange County will Include:
Expanding Bus Service
Improving bus stops and shelters
Implementing Bus Rapid Transit
Orange Transit Partners
A number of agencies work together to provide public transportation in Orange County. Orange County Public Transportation, GoTriangle, Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC-MPO), Chapel Hill Transit, UNC-Chapel Hill and the towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough are all partners in planning transit and developing the Orange County Transit Plan.
Planning for our Region's Growth
The Triangle is one of the fastest-growing regions in the nation. Our three-county area grows by more than 100 people every day and with new residents comes more congestion. The Orange County Transit Plan is part of a larger regional investment to expand access and opportunities and help connect more people to jobs, schools, health care and entertainment.
Public transportation provides personal mobility and freedom for people from every walk of life.
Source: American Public Transportation Association
Every $1 invested in public transportation generates approximately $4 in economic returns.
Source: American Public Transportation Association
Every $1 billion invested in public transportation supports and creates more than 50,000 jobs.
Source: American Public Transportation Association
Home values perform 42 percent better on average if homes are located near public transportation with high-frequency service.
Source: American Public Transportation Association