Wake Bus Plan ADA Funding Policy and Performance Guidelines Public Review Period

November 6, 2023 through November 20, 2023

Required Public Notice is being provided that the following two items are available for public input from November 6-20, 2023. The Wake Transit community is invited to review and comment on the following two documents during that timeframe.

The Wake Bus Plan ADA Funding Policy is a technical memorandum designed to establish a transparent and efficient process for budgeting and reimbursing the costs of complimentary ADA paratransit services related to the expansion and growth of Wake Transit Plan-funded, fixed-route transit investments. These services are required by Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

The Wake Bus Plan Service Standards and Performance Guidelines establish a framework and rationale for operation and investment in transit services in Wake County. Design guidelines help ensure that similar types of service are being implemented the same way across the county. This way, riders can know what to expect and can trust that services will be available when they need them. Performance measures help staff track and report on the productivity of individual routes and the overall transit network. The framework is intended to communicate a clear, consistent, and equitable transit investment strategy.

A notable addition to the Service Standards and Performance Guidelines was the addition of the Service Impact Benefit. It was made in direct response to increased public and agency focus on ensuring equitable transit services throughout Wake County. This new benefit reduces the performance standard, by a set amount, for routes identified as having a high community impact. This means that those high community impact routes provide transit access to transportation disadvantaged community members.

Both the Wake Bus Plan ADA Funding Policy Draft and the Wake Bus Plan Service Standards and Performance Guidelines Draft were recommended by the TPAC’s Program Development Subcommittee on October 24, 2023. A public review and comment period is open from November 6-20, 2023. The TPAC will review received comments and consider recommending items for adoption on December 13, 2023. The Wake Transit governing boards, which includes the GoTriangle Board of Trustees and CAMPO Executive Board, are anticipated to adopt the policies at their respective meetings in January 2024.

The Wake Transit community and the general public are invited to review these two items and provide relevant comments. There are several ways to submit input:

Take the Survey


Text or Call
