Amending the Work Plan
Following the adoption of the Durham County Transit Annual Work Program (“Work Program”), project sponsors and/or Durham County Transit lead agency staff may need to make changes, referred to as amendments, to the scope or budget of the Work Program.
Q3 Amendments to the FY24 Durham Transit Work Program are open for review
The Durham County Staff Working Group received three (3) amendment requests for consideration in the FY2024 3rd Quarter amendment cycle. Per the Durham County Transit Work Plan Amendment Policy, a review period of no less than 21 days is required for Major amendments.
There are two (2) operating budget requests, and one (1) capital budget request. Durham County Transit partners, members of the community, transit stakeholders, and other interested parties are encouraged to review the FY 2024 3rd Quarter Durham Transit Work Program Amendment Packet, which includes detailed information about each request.
Available for public review and comment from:
Thursday, December 21, 2023 - Thursday, January 11, 2024.
A summary of the three (3) amendment requests, along with documentation for each individual request, is available at the link below:
Comments may be provided below or by emailing TransitPlan@dconc.gov