Plans & Policies

The Wake Transit Plan is developed with extensive participation from members of the community and stakeholders. The Plan sets system goals and investment priorities for enhancing the transit system in Wake County.

The first Wake Transit Plan was adopted by the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Executive Board, the GoTriangle Board of Trustees, and the Wake County Board of Commissioners in 2016. The FY2017-2018 Wake Transit Plan is located in the Wake Transit Archives. It spanned the 10-year planning period between FY2018 and FY2027.

To remain current, the Plan is updated every four years, which extends its planning horizon through the next 10-year period. The first update of the Plan began in 2020 and was adopted by the two Wake Transit governing boards, CAMPO and GoTriangle, in April 2021. It extended the planning horizon out through FY2030.

To accomplish the overarching investment goals for plan implementation, all Wake Transit program planning efforts support the goals defined as the Four Big Moves.

Big Move 1

Connect the region

Big Move 2

Connect all Wake County Communities

Big Move 3

Create frequent, reliable urban mobility

Big Move 4

Enhance access to transit

The Wake Bus Plan is a 10-year bus operating and capital plan that builds upon the Wake Transit Plan. The Plan identifies the bus services and related capital investments that support the Four Big Moves of the Wake Transit Plan. The Wake Bus Plan has two primary focuses: 1) Bus services, with the exception of high-capacity ones like Bus Rapid Transit; and, 2) Capital investments, such as park-and-ride facilities, transit centers, bus stop improvements, and maintenance facilities.

The Wake Bus Plan will include a regional service assessment designed to enhance the understanding of current ridership trends and future travel markets. This insight will be compared to existing and planned services to identify gaps and overages. It is important to note, the Wake Bus Plan will recommend route alignments and associated infrastructure that support operational efficiency, improve the customer experience, and respond to public feedback.

Per the Wake Transit Governance Interlocal Agreement, the Wake County Transit Planning Advisory Committee (TPAC) is charged with producing a recommended annual Wake Transit Work Plan comprised of the following three core elements:

  1. The transit operating and capital improvement budgets that are scheduled to be implemented in the next fiscal year, which runs from July 1 through June 30
  2. A summary of updates made to the financial assumptions used for forecasting revenues and expenditures to support the implementation of current and future projects
  3. The detailed scope and financial information for planned transit investments through the end of the Wake Transit Work Plan 10-year planning horizon

During the fiscal year, the need may arise to amend the current or a previous Work Plan for the following reasons:

  • To change a project scope or budget for approved Work Plan projects
  • To add or remove projects from the Work Plan

Previous annual Work Plans can be viewed here.

The Wake Transit Community Engagement Policy guides the execution of public involvement activities related to Wake Transit investments. The policy sets standards for engagement and lets the community know what to expect from Wake Transit project sponsors and lead agencies. The first Wake Transit Community Engagement Policy (formerly known as the Wake Transit Public Engagement Policy) was adopted by the Governing Boards in 2018. This policy is reviewed annually and updated as needed, with revisions requiring a public comment period prior to consideration for adoption.

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